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Pregnancy Clinic

Did your pregnancy dreams include visions of a neat rounded belly, and little kicks that made your heart flutter? While it's true that pregnancy has its share of wonderful moments and experiences to cherish, it also has a raft of less than fabulous pregnancy symptoms - including many you'd rather not discuss in public and many you'd probably like to forget (which you will, by the way, since forgetfulness is another  symptom).

There are pregnancy symptoms you expected (like morning sickness – which also arrives in the evening) and symptoms you almost definitely didn't (like constipation, nosebleeds and bleeding gums).  It's probably reassuring to know that you're not alone suffering these ailments - you're actually joining millions of other expectant women who are also wading their way through a different selection of pregnancy complaints.  But it also helps to have some tried and true remedies at your (swollen) fingertips that will allow you to navigate around the majority of pregnancy grumbles.


Finding a local nursery If you are going back to work and are looking for a nursery near to where you live, here are a few things to consider.

Pregnancy Health

All about pregnancy scans
Brace yourself for nine months of peeing and prodd

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Top pregnancy books
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Choosing a doula
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Labour & Birth

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Professional care

Payroll advice
Getting pregnant can be the first step to being an employer than many women have ever made. Although the thought of hiring a nanny or a childminder or au pair may seem far away, if you hire private antenatal care make sure you are doing so legally.

Pregnancy Health

Finding a pregnancy photographer
Many women like to celebrate their pregnancy with something special, like an album of photographs either charting their changing body, or with one photo session in late pregnancy and one session with their newborn baby.

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