Pregnancy Clinic
Overseas travel during pregnancy
Although you might not intend to go on the most adventurous holiday when you are expecting a baby, you might need to travel abroad for work, to honour commitments made before you knew you were pregnant, or to see family before the baby arrives. Here are a few tips to bear in mind.
• Flying
Flying is not an option later in pregnancy. Many airlines will not carry pregnant passengers who are beyond 28 weeks. Some airlines may stop even before this so check the policy on pregnancy before you pay for any flights. Some ferries may also refuse to take you later in pregnancy. For more on methods of travel, go to *Car, train, boat, plane – safe pregnancy travel.
• Check with your GP
Before you book any holidays abroad, discuss any concern with your GP in case there is a medical reason which requires you to stay near to home or which might affect how you travel and what facilities you need whilst away.
• Best trimester to travel
If you are going to travel abroad, the best time for this is after the first 15 weeks and before the last 10 weeks of your pregnancy.
• Destinations
Travel to North American, most of Europe and to Australia usually does not involve getting extra travel vaccinations, but other territories might and these vaccines are often not recommended for pregnant women. For more on this, go to *Travel vaccinations in pregnancy.
• Take your notes
When going away, take your antenatal notes with you in case you require any medical care on your travels. Bear in mind that many other countries will not have the same level of medical facilities that we have in the UK.
• Travel Insurance
Make sure your travel insurance covers your for any pregnancy-related medical needs or cancellations. Some companies will add a premium for this whilst other companies may refuse to cover you altogether beyond a certain point in your pregnancy.
Whilst travelling to EU countries, UK travellers are often eligible for free or reduced-cost emergency medical care. For this you need to carry the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This is free but you need to apply for one. You can do this via your local post office.
• Food
Food poisoning can affect you much worse when you are expecting a baby. Whilst travelling be cautious about what you eat and stick to bottled water that you know has not been tampered with.
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Re: Has anyone tried Zita West's fertility supplements? Or what else worked for you?
Guider, Mother of 1, Leicestershire
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