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Pregnancy Clinic
Telling the boss
You are not obliged to tell your employer than you are pregnant until as late as 15 weeks before the beginning of the week in which your baby is due. However, most women do tell their employers much earlier than this for various reasons.
• Appointments
If you need to keep antenatal appointments that are set during work hours you are entitled to take paid time off for these, but it is good practice to be as helpful as possible by giving your employer as much notice as you can, and trying where possible to avoid appointments in work hours.
• Sickness
If you suffer from *morning sickness you may need to take time off or at least come into work later some mornings quite early in your pregnancy. If you do have to notify someone in your office about your situation, you are within your rights to request their discretion regarding your pregnancy until a time when you choose to make it more widely known.
• Your safety
If anything in your daily work situation compromises the health or safety of you or your baby then your employer is obliged to resolve this, but only once your employer has been made aware of your pregnancy.
• Planning ahead
It is helpful for you and your employer to start planning when you might wish to start your maternity leave, what cover is needed and what plans you might have for returning. However you are not obliged to confirm returning to work dates at this stage.
Many women like to wait until about 16 weeks into their pregnancy, when they have had scans and tests confirming that the pregnancy is proceeding healthily, before telling their boss and colleagues that they are pregnant.
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