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Pregnancy Clinic


Health in pregnancy grant

The Health in Pregnancy Grant is a one-off, tax-free payment made to all pregnant women. The aim of the payment is to encourage all women to use the money to eat well and be able to buy the right things in preparation for their baby.

Health in Pregnancy Grant – key points

•  This is a one-off payment of £190.

•  This payment is not means tested – all eligible women can receive this money once they are at least 25 weeks pregnant.

•  Those who might not be eligible for the grant include women who are subject to immigration control or do not have UK residency rights.

•  The payment does not affect any other tax credits or benefits, and is not taxable.

How to claim the payment

Once you are at least 25 weeks pregnant you can get a claim form from your GP or midwife. They will complete and sign their part if the form and then give it to you to return to HMRC. It is important that they can confirm that you have been given advice on health in pregnancy.

You must return the form to HMRC within 31 days of it being signed. If you do not you might not receive the payment. The payment is made directly into your bank or building society account.

For more information, go to direct.gov.uk.

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