Baby Clinic
Bottle Feeding
Lactose intolerance On rare occasions, a baby’s may not be thriving on the milk she is drinking, but is this because of a reaction to the milk itself? How to spot lactose intolerance and what to do about it.
5 Steps to coping with colic
Even when you expect it, a bout of upset that last...
What is colic?
When a new baby is unsettled and crying, we rush
Baby milk: mixing bottle and breast
It is possible to combine the two feeding regimes
What are BPA Free bottles?
BPA is a chemical found in some plastics, includin...
Specialised baby milk formulas
There are various special milks available for babies with medical conditions, such as cow’s milk allergy, lactose or other intolerances or reflux. These products are usually only prescribed in specific cases, and under medical supervision.
Baby Formula Brands - Which is Best?
The manufacture of baby formula is highly regulate...
Sterilising and bottle hygiene
Until your baby is one year old, any feeding items...
Moving from breast to bottle
If you breastfeed exclusively for the first year, ...
What's in baby formula?
If breastfeeding is not going to work for you...
Goat's Milk Baby Formula
You might have wondered whether a goat's milk baby formula might be right for your baby, especially if you enjoy drinking goat's milk yourself. At the moment though, goat milk formulas are not approved in Europe, which means it can’t be marketed as infant formula and you can’t be certain that what you buy meets the same high nutritional standards as cow- and soya-based formulas.
Travel tips for bottle-fed babies
When on the go, it’s important not to skimp ...
Preparing feeding bottles in advance
If you are using formula milk for feeds and you ar...
Which teat should be used and when should it be changed?
Bottles are usually sold with a set of newborn tea...
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