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Baby Clinic

Bottle Feeding

Preparing feeding bottles in advance

If you are using formula milk for feeds and you are going out for the day, you can make up sterile bottles and use them as you go.

Top tips for preparing bottles in advance

  • Sterilise as many bottles as you need according to the instructions on your steriliser. 
  • Fill the bottles with the right amount of freshly boiled water according to your baby’s age-specific needs and the correct amount of milk required as stated on the packaging of your particular formula. 
  • Seal the bottles with the teats and rings, cool the water down by running under cold water, then place then put the bottles in the fridge for at least an hour. 
  • If you want to make up bottles for a trip out or to leave at your child’s nursery, just make up bottles of water and then add the powder later. It is not advisable to have mixed milk sitting in bottles for a long time, even if stored in the fridge. 
  • When you need to go out, store the bottles in a cooler bag and either use within four hours or place them in another fridge as soon as you arrive at your destination. Measure out the right amounts of formula powder for each bottle and store this in a little tub until you are ready to give the feed. At this time warm the bottle of water then add the formula as per your milk’s regular instructions. 
  • Ideally, use ready-made liquid versions of your formula milk when on the go as there is a risk that made-up formula which has been left for some time could make your baby ill.


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