Baby Clinic
Baby Care
Buyers guide to nappy rash treatments When your baby actually does have a rash it’s good to try to nip any outbreak in the bud. Sometimes changes of diet, teething and other shifts in habits can trigger a rash, so don’t feel you have failed your child – just catch it as early as you can.
Avoiding nappy rash
What is nappy rash and how can you prevent it
Childcare options
Finding the right childcare is a potential minefie...
Swaddling your baby
In many cultures and in Britain only a couple of g...
How to soothe a crying baby
Although your new baby’s crying may seem lou...
Changing your baby’s nappy
Although changing a nappy is rarely a pleasurable experience, it’s really not as awful as sitcoms would have you believe.
Bath time tips
For the first couple of weeks of your baby’s...
Baby skincare and allergies
Your baby’s skin is so soft and delicate you are unlikely to need reminding that it should be treated with care.
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Re: Has anyone tried Zita West's fertility supplements? Or what else worked for you?
Guider, Mother of 1, Leicestershire