Pregnancy Clinic
Did your pregnancy dreams include visions of a neat rounded belly, and little kicks that made your heart flutter? While it's true that pregnancy has its share of wonderful moments and experiences to cherish, it also has a raft of less than fabulous pregnancy symptoms - including many you'd rather not discuss in public and many you'd probably like to forget (which you will, by the way, since forgetfulness is another symptom).
There are pregnancy symptoms you expected (like morning sickness – which also arrives in the evening) and symptoms you almost definitely didn't (like constipation, nosebleeds and bleeding gums). It's probably reassuring to know that you're not alone suffering these ailments - you're actually joining millions of other expectant women who are also wading their way through a different selection of pregnancy complaints. But it also helps to have some tried and true remedies at your (swollen) fingertips that will allow you to navigate around the majority of pregnancy grumbles.
Returning to Work If you take your full leave entitlement and the date you confirmed with your employer for returning has not changed, you do not need to give any further notice. However it is good practice to get in touch towards the last two months of your leave just to reconfirm your intention. If you decide you do not wish to return to work, your period of notice will be as stated in your regular contract (usually one or three months).
Pregnancy Health
Diet for Pregnancy - 10 essential recommendations
Pregnancy is a great time for eating and drinking
Pregnancy Health
Morning sickness
Nausea, especially in the early weeks of pregnancy...
Professional care
Choosing a private obstetrician
In the course of a regular pregnancy via the NHS, ...
Travel vaccinations in pregnancy
Although most women who are pregnant do not chose ...
Labour & Birth
Pain relief in labour
Whether breathing and meditation carry you through or you end up having an epidural, pain relief not only makes the labour and birth a more happy experience, it can also help reduce the risk of trauma. Don’t feel you have to be a hero, but do understand what the different kinds of pain relief can offer so that you can get a better picture of what might be best for you.
Labour & Birth
Labour: what to expect
Labour on average lasts around 12 to 15 hours, but this can be much longer or shorter. It tends to be longer with a first baby but no two women are the same, so trying to compare your expectations with the experiences of others won’t necessarily help.
At certain stages pain relief or other procedures may take your birth experience in a different direction, but the outline below helps you understand the key stages of labour.
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