Kids in Museums: On Today's Menu
Days Out
Kids in Museums: On Today's Menu
Lots of families have told the Kids in Museums campaign that a visit to the café is an important part of their museum experience and they want to feel welcome in the whole museum.
Tasty news from Kids in Museums
Lots of families have told the Kids in Museums campaign that a visit to the café is an important part of their museum experience and they want to feel welcome in the whole museum. So, Kids in Museums is going to help museums and galleries to extend their family friendly values to their cafés and restaurants. So they're asking for your tasty views on museum cafés too?
They’re hungry for your input
Your views on museum cafés are highly important in order to produce guidelines for family friendly museum cafés that meet everyone’s needs – families, museums and their cafés. You can help to shape these guidelines by clicking on and sharing your views in their short survey for visitors.
You can also email them about your museum café experiences at or follow them on Twitter at
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