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Toddler Clinic


Toddler Toys: vehicles

Encourage imaginative play with the wide range of toy vehicles designed to please boys and girls alike.


Although first cars need to me more chunky and with less loose pieces than Hot Wheels models to avoid choking hazards, there are plenty of trains, planes and automobiles to entertain little ones.

Vehicles used alongside other toys or just whizzed around the table and chair legs in your kitchen, can create imaginary everyday worlds where your child is at the heart of what happens next. There is also of course, the simple fascination with things that move on the roads on the way to the park, or through the sky.



Hamleys VTech  Brio

Hamley’s Activity Jumbo Set, £24, 18mths+

A great first aeroplane chunky enough for small children to play with safely – pushing the plane along and arranging the four passengers included in the set.




VTech Playtime Bus, £20, 12mths+

This interactive bus introduces early concepts of phonics, letter names and numbers, while buttons announce shape names when pressed, and passengers say funny phrases. There are other cool bus sound effects that add to the noisy fun.


Brio Crane with Blocks, £22.99, 18mths+

A colourful, wooden crane that also encourages dexterity as your toddler lifts and moves the magnetic blocks that come with this truck.




WOW Tomy Fisher Price

WOW Poppy’s Pony Adventure, £19.99, 18mths+

This set includes a friction-powered car with an engine sound, detachable horsebox and other features like a push-button tailgate, shape-sorting roof rack, two girl riders, ponies, pony jump and hay bale.


Tomy My First Train Set, £8.99, 18mths+

Before toddlers are ready for wooden train sets this is a charming and colourful alternative. Easy to assemble and compact for any lounge.




Amazing Animals Music and Motion Choo Choo Train, £27.99, 6mths+

This Fisher Price train set can be played with from a very early age but has motions, animal characters and music to amuse older toddlers.





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