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Pregnancy Clinic


When is good to travel during pregnancy?

If you are planning to travel overseas when you are expecting, then you should always consider your method of travel and what vaccinations, if any, you will need. These may decide for you if the journey is possible at all.

However, taking a break or visiting friends and family can be a lovely way to spend time with your partner when you are pregnant, so be smart about when the best time will be to get away.

•  Try to avoid the first trimester

The first 12 weeks are the most common for miscarriage. Whilst travel itself may not put the pregnancy at risk, you will require good medical care for a full recovery, so do bear this in mind. Also, you will be more tired in early pregnancy, and more prone to morning sickness – motion during travel can exacerbate this. 

•  Second trimester

Try to travel once you’ve gone past the 16-week mark and before 28th week if you can. Many travel and insurance companies are reluctant to cover pregnant travellers beyond 28 weeks. Some will accept you with written permission from your GP, but check before you pay for any travel.

•  Journey length

Keep journeys short after 30 weeks. Visits to family or weekends away by car or train are preferable to air travel in the last few weeks of your pregnancy. However problems like pre-eclampsia are more common at this point, so make sure that you always carry your antenatal notes in your bag with you, in case you need to seek local help while you are away.

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