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Pregnancy Life

Top pregnancy books

You may feel overwhelmed by the number of pregnancy books available in bookshops, from the very medical to the highly whimsical.  But read on to find out which pregnancy books are most valued by Baby Directory readers.


What to expect when you're expecting

What to Expect When You're Expecting

£14.99 Simon & Schuster

This tried and tested - and newly updated version has excellent month by month information on how your body changes and your baby's growth and development.  Very good for first-time mums who like a medical explanation, and is oddly satisfying for over-anxious mums wondering what each tweak may mean. Quite prescriptive on pregnancy do's and don'ts which you can take or leave as necessary.


Christine Hill's Pregnancy guideChristine Hill's Pregnancy Guide

Christine Hill £12.99 Random House

Having spent the last 25 years running antenatal and postnatal classes in West London, Christine Hill knows what questions women ask and what their main concerns are, which she quickly addresses in a practical and down-to-earth way.  It covers birth issues, work issues, physical adjustments and pregnancy irritations was well as what happens during labour.  Written in a "tell-it-like-it-is" style, but with a concern for the fears and queries of first-time mothers.


Babies for beginnersBabies for Beginners

Roni Jay £7.99 White Ladder Press

This is a great book and an antedote to everthing else "expert" on the shelf.  Roni Jay, mother of two, and still with her wits about her, has dispelled many parenting myths and makes daily tasks seem much less hard work.  We love this advice on drying your baby after the bath: "If you don't fancy drying in all the cracks and crevices, just leave the baby in the towel to dry out naturally.  There are few things pleasanter to hold than a small baby wrapped in a towel just out of its bath".

My pregnancy journal

My Pregnancy Journal

£14.99 Ryland, Peters & Small

A stunning week by week diary and journal with space to write your thoughts and feelings on your own pregnancy, as well as lots of keepsake pockets to keep things like babyscan photos and DVDs.  It also has great suggestions on what to do each month interspersed with health recipes, relaxation ideas, fitness recommendations, and "What to Buy" checklists.


The new contented little baby book

The New Contented Little Baby Book

Gina Ford £9.99 Vermillion

"You either swear by it - or swear at it" was once of our parent's reviews.  It's basically about getting your baby (ie mum) into a timetabled routine, which can be helpful to know as the needs of your baby evolve from month to month.  However, some parents found it too prescriptive and thought they had "failed" if the day went pear-shape.


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