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Pregnancy Clinic

Parties & Celebrations

Planning a baby shower

Just like weddings, baby showers can be a major production if you set your heart on it. These days you can get matching baby shower party plates and cups, special flowers and cakes for the occasion plus personalised trinkets to mark the day.

Why have a baby shower?

Some women love to throw a baby shower for a pregnant friend or family member as a way of wishing them well in the months ahead. For others it’s a good chance to stock up on all those nursery essentials and baby treats they always fancied.

Whether you have a huge party or just want a small gathering to toast the impending birth will be up to you.

Planning a baby shower

Although you might have a hand in what, where and how a baby shower is thrown in your honour, it’s always a good idea to ask someone else to do the organising on your behalf. After all, as the pregnant star of the show, you deserve a break.

•   Timing

Whilst no-one would dream of having a baby shower in the earliest weeks of pregnancy, it’s a good idea not to leave throwing a baby shower too late either. Baby showers are not wild parties, but still, if you are heavily pregnant you might feel too tired or overwhelmed by it all to enjoy yourself. Also, if friends have bought you nursery gifts, you need time to see what gaps in your wishlist still need to be bought later.

•   Invitations

It’s a good idea not to invite too many people as it will get too hectic and stuffy for you. Inviting close friends and family is usually best and traditionally these tend to be women – all of whom enjoy spending a couple of hours exchanging their own birth and new baby stories!

•   Gifts

If you’re a practical parent to be and have already bought your nursery essentials, make sure your guests know this. The host coordinating the event on your behalf can discreetly liaise with guests on various items you might be hoping for. But otherwise, go with the flow – you’ll find there are no end of gorgeous special first-baby gifts your friends have unearthed.

•   What to serve

From themed baby cupcakes to pregnancy-friendly alcohol-free ‘mocktails’, have fun with your food even if you’re just having tea and cake. Remember that this is not a wedding buffet and does not need to be a major production.

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