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Recharge your batteries: 10 things in 10 minutes

What can you do in 10 minutes to give you an energy boost?  Short of developing your power-nap technique, we've found the 10 most popular ideas to help you recharge your batteries.  


This may sound hard if you’ve got a toddler, work piling up, and a full kitchen sink.  But just try closing your eyes and do some deep breathing.  Yoga stretches are also good to unwind tense muscles.  We love Andrew Johnson’s apps and his charming Scottish lilt.


Lose yourself in a good book or flip through a trashy magazine.  Taking 10 minutes to focus on putting your feet up and just doing something for yourself.


You may be on your knees with tiredness or feeling psychotic through lack of sleep, but getting your heart rate up and getting out will help improve your mood and your body shape.  Try a Pushy Mother’s class if you like company or the Boots exercise DVD if there's nothing local.


Just 10 minutes talking to an adult (apart from the BT customer services) can help you reconnect with life beyond your baby.  Catching a friend or family member can keep you in touch with gossip, vent your frustrations or share concerns.  Beware parenting forums that can be unsympathetic.


Look through your bathroom shelves for that luxurious spa treatment for feet, hands or hair.  Alternatively, make your own from the garden or kitchen (see www.makeyourcosmetics.com for some quirky recipes).


Listening to music has many therapeutic benefits.  In 10 minutes you create a new playlist of all your favourite tunes which will boost your mood when you’re feeling low.

Retail therapy

When getting to the shops is overwhelmingly difficult – shop online.  Use your mouse to search for seasonal sales, special offers and discounts.  Many brands are offering free P&P and free returns – so there’s little risk of making a wrong purchase.  Check out Mamas and Papas - this week 70% off.


With gorgeous pregnancy oils (Bio Oil, Clinica Tissue Oil or Weleda’s stretch mark oil) ask your partner to give you a much-needed massage.  Even a shoulder rub for 10 minutes in front of the TV will get the circulation going.

Treat Yourself

Grab yourself a healthy energy boost.  Throw together a fruit smoothie or put together a delicious snack.  Or take 10 minutes out to order home-made, seasonal meals from www.thefoodstork.com.

Write it down

Get feelings of frustration and anxiety into your journal, or take 10 minutes to update your pregnancy or baby books.  Looking back on how much you have achieved will keep everything in perspective.

What things do you do for 10 minutes to help recharge your batteries?

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