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Why Dress Up for World Book Day

Reading a favourite novel and escaping into the world of a literary character is a simple pleasure we sometimes take for granted. This year, for World Book Day, why not help raise funds for children who have limited access to books? Find out how dressing up your children as their favourite book character can help change lives.

What is Book Aid?

Book Aid International is an NGO that encourages access to books and supports literacy, education and development in sub-Saharan Africa. Since 1954, they have sent more than 30 million books to partner libraries.

This year Book Aid International is campaigning for children to dress up and help fundraise for their cause.

How to help?

Book Aid is suggesting a donation of £1 to take partf a dress up day at schoo where students and teachers create their favourite book character costume. For those who don't want to go have time to find a make a costume, why not help by organising a non-uniform day where children wear what they want. You can also download a dress up World Book Day poster here to display in classrooms or on school noticeboards.


Children have a chance to win £100 of National Book Tokens for their school. Email a photograph of your child's handmade book character costume and a brief explanation of how it was made and the materials you used. The closing date is 2 April 2012, click here to find out more.


If you’re in need of some inspiration download one of the book character costume ideas below. Choose between wicked witch, dangerous dragon, crafty crocodile, playful puppy, scary skeleton or a lovely ladybird!

Click on your favourite costume idea to download instructions on how to make it!


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