View all listings in Preston, PR2
Looking for childcare in Preston, Lancashire, PR2? We list top places for childcare in PR2 including childcare nursery places, preschool nursery, day nurseries and nursery schools in Preston. And for this area it's never too late to register for nursery schools in PR2 as the most popular get booked up early. There are 35 childcare nurseries in Preston, PR2 with pre-schools and playgroups offering childcare from 2-5yrs during term time; day nursery childcare from 8am-6pm for children aged 6weeks-5yrs all year round, as well as primary school nurseries from 3-5yrs.
See what other parents are saying about Day Nurseries in Preston, PR2:
Queen's Drive Primary School, Fulwood, Preston. Well... 5 months into starting school and as a mummy to two very happy twins i can hand on heart say "fantastic!!!". Why did we choose this school? When i first moved here(10 years ago) and met my now husband we lived near the school. The childrenwould leave the school with big smiles on their faces and carrying an abundance of craft items and i commented that they looked just exactly how children should look after a fab day at school..and how (daringly said at the time) if we ever had children i would love them to attend that school. So fast forward a 10 years. And we are very proud to say we have been blessed(through the wonders of fertility treatment) with our now almost 5 year old twins. This time last year i was beside myself with anxiety awaiting the email from the LEA of school places. Having previously moved away from the area we moved back upon discovering we were pregnant... when the twins were 9 months old i called the school asking to be put on their mailing list for that years intake(talk about trying to get one step ahead). We attended an open day andthe school more than lived up to it's expectations! Then there is also the headteacher who ii wouldnt be surprised that if you looked up "dedication" in the Oxford dictionary then her name would be printed clear as day below!. So we got our confirmatiuon and i shed a few tears of happiness, excitement and relief. And in Septemeber this year the twins started school. In seperate classes we have the honour of knowing two teacher with 2 ways of teaching and yet they seem to be one step ahead and keep the children engaged and excited about the day ahead of them. In the past 5 months the change in my children has been 10-fold andwe are stunned, proud and extremelt thankful to the staff at Queen's Drive. So here is to the next 6 years for the twins and their baby brother and any future children being able to gain the start in education and social aspects of life that Queen's Drive offers. Now... can i gp back to school please? x