9 Arboretum Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
0115 941 7663
Learning how to get on with each other, sharing and enjoying doing things in groups as well as individually are all important aspects of school life and we place great importance on creating a friendly and happy environment.
A feature of the girls at Nottingham Girls’ High School is that they have quick, active brains which they enjoy using. We offer a range of clubs and activities for children who want to join them. Some take place after school but the majority take place during the lunch hour. In addition, several of our girls are part of the Nottinghamshire Under 11 chess squad and attend coaching sessions during the year. The majority of the girls within key stage 2 learn a musical instrument either in school with our peripatetic staff or out of school. We support them as much as possible through school activities. All girls take part in several performances during the year, including musical plays, class assemblies and informal concerts.
All teachers have responsibility for the pastoral care of pupils in the school but the member of staff most closely associated with a pupil is her form teacher. She will have an overview of their school experience and will be in close contact with parents/carers. Daily form time enables form staff to be aware if issues arise and the form teacher is usually available before or after school if parents need a few minutes to discuss an issue. If longer is needed then an appointment to meet or talk by telephone can be arranged. The youngest girls, in the reception classes, have two large classrooms that open out onto their own outdoor learning area which is covered, and then to the garden and play areas that are designed especially for them. Girls in Years 1 and 2 also enjoy the benefit of large classrooms that open directly onto the Junior playground. |
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The older girls all have light, modern classrooms all equipped with modern furniture and sinks so that practical lessons can be easily incorporated into the children’s learning. There is a large octagonal hall which is used for assemblies, drama and other whole school activities; in addition there is a dedicated music room and ‘big space’ which provides an additional area for year group or key stage activities. The rainbow room, named because of the roof of coloured glass, has many uses, for small, informal concerts, displays of children’s work and a welcome area during school concerts and drama productions. Outdoor play spaces are varied with the reception garden and two playgrounds for the children to enjoy. Upnah garden has been developed to include an adventure play area and a small outdoor stage with tiered seating which provides even more options for outdoor activities. |
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