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Winners: Alice9, Mother of 1, London, angiehoggett, Durham, spiceeb, Mother of 3, Leicestershire
Trying to lose excess baby weight can be a daunting task, and rigorous aerobics or running on a treadmill aren't exactly appealing for new mothers. Organising to leave the house to make a class or trying to find the right childcare simply adds to the complexities of exercising as a new mum. Yoga provides a realistic solution, combining exercise, meditation and your baby. So if you’ve not attended a yoga class before, where do you start?
Whilst you may have local postnatal yoga classes on your doorstep, a new Mother and Baby DVD has just been release by the yoga trainer and guru, Shiva Rea. The DVD has been specially created to guide new mums through the yoga post-natal basics as well as focusing on four distinct routines to help relieve stress, strengthen, stretch and tone.
The DVD is available from the 30th April on for £12.99, but we have 3 of Shiva Rea’s Mother and Baby Yoga DVD’ to win. To enter the competition answer the question below!
Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions: These competitions are open to UK residents except employees of Brockwell Publishing and anyone associated with these promotions. The closing date for entries to the competitions is midnight 31 Mayl 2012 and winners will be announced on 1st June 2012. No cash alternatives or substitutions; the prizes are not transferable