Pregnancy and Birth
The Doctor and Daughter's Guide to Pregnancy
New website that will answer any of your pre and post natal questions.
Dr. Gordon Gallup, psychologist at University at Albany, claims oral sex can cure morning sickness. The internet is full of information like this that is good for a giggle but it may not be the right treatment for you. Rather than waiting on the line to consult with your GP for further details you can have a look at the new website, for pre and postnatal advice.
Rebecca Maberly was inspired to create when she became pregnant with her first child last year. As a first time mum Rebecca was unimpressed with pregnancy websites as she found them to be ‘outdated’ and ‘Americanised’ so she sought her father, Mr Roger Marwood’s, advice instead. By establishing the website with her father she wanted to provide women living in the UK with a source of quality information free of any unqualified input from forums and comments.
Rebecca’s father, Mr Roger Marwood Msc. MBBS, F.R.C.O.G is the medical expert behind the website. As well as being a father himself, Mr. Marwood is a gynecologist and obstetrician with 40 years experience working in NHS and private hospitals. Rebecca and her friends would consult her father for advice while pregnant and wished share his knowledge with other women with the same queries and worries.
The website aims to remain relevant and address pregnant women’s concerns from drinking to flying to sex while pregnant. Aside from medical advice there are sections on what to buy during pregnancy and information about maternity leave and hospital care. There is also a segment with guidance for birthing partners. Rebecca regularly post articles on the site and may comment on them or just as a bit of lighthearted fun, such as the article about Dr. Gordon Gallup’s findings. For any questions left unanswered you can use the Ask the Doctor section. In the past there have been questions answered about Bikram Yoga, traveling to Thailand and taking folic acid after 3 miscarriages.
The content for the website was written by Rebecca who also designed the site.Doctoranddaughter’s look is minimal in order to not detract away from the vast amount of information. The website does not contain a lot of images in relation to topics, but it does have a lot of content that is conversational, friendly and easy to understand. There is a search box, which makes it easy to navigate around the site. Just enter anything from stretch marks to cracked nipples and you will find some guidance.
For more information visit,

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