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HiPP Organic's Top 10 Tips for Surviving Christmas

As we approach Christmas and the madness that it brings with it, the lovely people at Hipp Organic have come up with thier Top 10 Tips to get through the festive season in one piece.

HiPP Organic

  1. Set a present budget for baby and stick to it! They’ll probably be more interested in the boxes and bows anyway!

  2. Delegate Plan ahead and put your guests in charge of special jobs. Photography is a great one to hand over - you won’t have time and will want a record of this special day.

  3. Rule The Routine One of the benefits of hosting Christmas is that you can do it on your terms and time dinner around baby’s routine. Use nap time to prepare the veggies, to enjoy your own meal or open presents.

  4. One Christmas Outfit Just Isn’t Enough Have a couple of Christmas outfits in reserve for baby and for you - just in case baby spreads more than just joy this Christmas!

  5. Say ‘Yes’ If anyone suggests they bring a dish or a side order accept their offer. It will make your life easier and allow you to spend more time with your family.

  6. Baby Proof The Tree Avoid decorating the lower branches of the tree. Baubles are really tempting to babies, so make sure they are out of reach.

  7. Teach Them How To Share If you have two sets of grandparents coming they will all want to spend time with their baby grandchild. Consider giving them a specific baby related role on the day to ensure they get their fix!

  8. Give Baby A Break Whilst babies love attention, too much from different people at once could make them irritable and fractious, so make sure they get their quiet time too.

  9. Keep A Watchful Eye If older children are sharing your day watch out for unwrapped presents with small pieces that baby could get hold of.

  10. Have a HiPPy Christmas Follow the HiPP Organic Christmas menu for a stress free meal that baby will love…

Hipp Organic

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