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Pushchairs - Pushchair travel systems

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  1. 2.63 miles1. Peppermint Chiswick

Quinny, Buzz 3

Quinny, Buzz 3 review

RRP: £409.00
Weight: 10kg
Folded: 87.5 x 60 x 31.5

The Quinny Buzz 3 is an all-terrain 3 wheel pushchair with option to add carrycot or car seat to form complete travel system (Maxi-Cosi or Quinny Dreami car seat).  It has a number of unique features: the seat can be forward or rear facing, the chassis is easy to fold and really compact with an automatic unfolding action (magical).  The handle is height adjustable and the absence of a bar between the wheels means you don't have to walk with your bottom sticking out.  The back wheels are pneumatic to ensure a comfortable ride for baby while the small front wheels will make manoeuvring the buggy a breeze.  However a number of reviewers have said that this is not an bus-suitable pushchair or one that allows much shopping in the basket.

What the Media Says...

 I find it very easy to manouvre and my son loves being in it and looks really snug. It also comes with an extra large seat to use when your child is over 18 months old. This is also something I thought was very innovative. It is rather heavy and I must admit that it is a struggle to fit it in the boot of my Fiesta.  

Babyworld 4/5


Reviews in chronological order (Total 3 comments)

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  • Rating: 9.0 / 10
      welshkeeley, Mother of 3, Wales
    31 Oct 2012 1:05am
    The Quinny Buzz 3 is the best pushchair/pram I have ever used, and I have bought a fair few. I bought all the attatchments in Red, and had a lot of comments on how stylish it looked. It is very very easy to push around, and feels very light. Don't be put off by the rubber tyres, I had mine for ages, and didn't get a single puncture. The variety off attatchments is brilliant. You have the standard seat, the carrycot for newborns, which feels lovely and soft, and also the Maxi-Cosi car seat fits onto it, so if out shopping, you don't have to wake the baby by moving from one seat to another. The only thing I didn't like was pushing the Quinny around in narrow shop aisles, because the two rear wheels were very far apart, and was too wide for some places. I really want a Quinny Buzz 3 again!
  • Rating: 7.0 / 10
      esthermate, Mother of 2, Wales
    6 Apr 2010 11:08am

    The Quinny is well suited to most terrains due to its large substantial wheels, and I also like that you can place a maxi cosi car seat ontothe frame which is was brilliant when my daughter was first born. I do find that the frame and wheels are a little too large though and I struggle to get through some doorways. It also has a basic design fault in that you cannot put hardly anything in the basket beneath the frame as if you do, it stops the wheels from moving. This was really serious as I had just put some shopping in the basket and left my local shop to cross the busy road outside. While I was crossing the wheels jammed as there was too much in the basket and cars were approaching me. The only way I could cross the road quickly was lifting the whole pram across the road. I now know not to put anything in but this is really disappointing. I also find that it is really heavy and bulky so I am thinking of exchanging it for a lighter and smaller model

  • Rating: 8.0 / 10
      minnie123, Mother of 1, Worcestershire
    23 Mar 2010 9:39pm
    I had a Quinny Buzz 3 as my first pushchair from birth. It's great because it looks so cool and it's quite lightweight to push around compared to a lot of the other travel systems. You can clip the maxi cosi cabrio fix car seat onto the frame which makes it a godsend for when your baby is very young and you don't want to wake them up by moving them. It also comes with 2 sized seats so you can swap onto the bigger one when your baby is about 18 months old. It folds up quite square and so fits in some boots that the longer ones don't. I loved my Quinny Buzz and got many admiring looks when using it. I gave it to my sister when she had a newborn and bought a new lighter weight buggy when my baby got older but I kind of regret it now. I see other people with their Buzz and feel jealousy.