07837 708 168
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Kamilia's Company provides midwifery care during the ante-natal and post-natal period as well as support in labour. Put your mind at rest and have your own midwife who you can have access to 24 hours/day. Kamilia's Company is commited to providing a high standard of care to women and their babies.
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Quick Links:
My Area: Antenatal Classes,
Baby Scans,
Body Painters,
Cord Blood Collection,
home improvement & maintenance,
Independent Midwives,
Maternity Hospital,
Postnatal Care,
Pregnancy Cream,
Pregnancy Essentials,
Pregnancy Exercise,
Pregnancy Massage,
Pregnancy Photography,
Pregnancy Yoga,
Private Clinics,
Private Maternity Hospital,
Twins Multiples,
Water Birth,
Yoga Classes