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What to look for in a School


What to look for in a School

Understanding how the school is run is very important. How well do the children and staff interact? Does the school have the right facilities and if so are they up-to-date? Do you like how the curriculum is presented? Juliet Golz, founder of Chiswickschools.co.uk, shares her tips on what to look for in a school.

Top Tips

  • Visiting the school during an open day and asking question can give an indication of what the pupils will cover, however use ears and eyes to guide you as to what the school might really be like, for example, how well stocked is the library? Do the children in the class look interested, bored? What does the school sound like? Noisy, quiet, studious? Does the school have a PTA (parent, teacher association)? Visiting at the beginning or at the end of the school day also gives clues such as do the parents hang around chatting or do they pick up and go home? You may want to talk to other parents who send their children there for a better idea of how it is run.

  • It is worth getting to know key representatives associated with the school as they can give you more of an insight into the school. Key figures such as the Chairman/woman or Committee of the school’s PTA; school office; parents of older children; even Parish Leaders can advise on faith schools

Path to Secondary School

Does the school naturally feed into a good secondary school? If not does the school have strong links with other schools in the area? If you were thinking of moving from state to private or grammar can the school advise you  how to prepare for the 7+, 8+ and 11+ and common entrance?

Class sizes 

How big is the class? is it broken down and if so how (ie ability)? Do they have teaching assistants? If so how many children do they look after?

For more information visit www.chiswickschools.co.uk

Chiswick Schools

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