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Bond Online - 11 Plus Papers and Online Resources from Bond


Bond Online - 11 Plus Papers and Online Resources from Bond

There is no magic formula for how children will perform at their 11+. Practice makes perfect. But getting children to settle down to practice 11+ exercises is always met with a degree of resistance.

However, a new service from Bond which launched last year, Bond Online, has some winning features which both parents and children will appreciate.

Firstly, it combines screen time with learning, a win-win situation. And although the tests are not exactly “fun”, they do mirror exam conditions where some verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests are done online. In addition, children can hone their mental arithmetic skills as they can’t use pencil and paper.

Secondly, the tests are marked by the computer, and like any online game children are really keen to have another go and move their score towards 100%. Parents, through their own log-in, can also see the results which help identify the child’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as being able to provide feedback and guidance in their own time. Also questions that were not answered correctly first time, pop again in subsequent tests allowing the children to revisit questions they found hard.

At just £5.99 per month, per child (min 3 month subscription) you can access all the tests including maths, English, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning, which is a real cost saving.

A forum for parents and children is both supportive of the online service as well as being a good place to share tips and ideas.

For more information about Bond Online visit www.bond11plus.co.uk

Bond Nelsons

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