Why pay an educational consultant?
Why pay an educational consultant?
Have you really explored all the schooling options for your children? What may suit one child, could be a disaster for the next. The Good Schools Guide has visited schools and interviewed heads for the last 25 years. Some of that knowledge and experienced is offered to parents at a cost that could save you thousands.
Because One Size Doesn't Fit All - why pay an educational consultant?
Where I live there’s a brilliant junior school. Small classes, lovely warm teachers, all with degrees; no litter, acres of pitches, art rooms, music rooms and Drury Lane-standard of drama and dance. And I really get on with the mums. We do Pilates together and, in fact, I now run a business with one of them. And all because of the school.
Er…no. Or, at any rate, unlikely. So, what do you do if the good local primaries are oversubscribed ten to one, if the council offers Ruby a place at St Sink’s and the only local prep you know of has a waiting list till 2016? Well, you either contemplate moving into the shires plus an hour’s commute or you employ someone who knows every school in the country and let them sort it out.
There are now practically as many education consultants as there are children and some demand a hefty cheque even before they ask for Ruby’s date of birth. Some of them take a term’s commission from schools which offer Ruby a place – cosy! Some have complicated tables of what they will do for how much money - hard to negotiate before you know what you might need. And then there’s The Good Schools Guide Advice Service which does none of these things.
The GSGAS is run by enthusiasts. They are the people who review schools in The Guide – chatting with parents, pupils, teachers, headteachers. Each works in a local area and picks up gossip. “It’s got a fabulous new gym but there’s a real problem with bullying,” “the head is divine–looking – and knows it!” “I would trust the teachers here with my Jimmys – not just my daughter!” “she has an open-door policy but is never in the room”.
The Service has specialists in boarding, mixed and single sex schools, the IB, grammars, entrance tests, tutors; they know where you can learn to fence, where is good for rowing, chess, debating; which schools get most pupils into Oxbridge, which have the kindest matrons, the smallest houses, the quickest train to Victoria. The GSGAS doesn’t have a set scheme – “we make it what parents need it to be”.
So how does it work? You call 0207 801 0191 or email: advice@goodschoolsguide.co.uk
Shari, the administrator, will find you the perfect advisor. Then you can meet or call and sort out exactly what you want for Ruby and, you’ll be amazed – your advisor will know of schools you’ve never heard of, she will have techniques to help with appeals, she will sort it. And you will feel a huge sense of relief.
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